Leifbridge Podcast

Volatility… Friend or Foe?

New York Vibe

We delve into the world of investment, as we often do, and explore the most pressing topics of the day. In this episode, our host Bill Blain, Head of Alternative Assets and Strategist at Shard Capital, explores the theme of volatility and whether it should be seen as a friend or a foe.

Joining Bill on this episode are two experts in the field of investment strategy: Mike Hollings, Partner at Shard Capital, and Richard Bacon, Head of Business Development. Together, they share their insights and experiences in navigating the often-choppy waters of volatility.

In a world where markets are constantly evolving, volatility has become a fact of life for investors. It can be unsettling, unpredictable and at times, downright scary. But as Bill, Mike, and Richard argue, it doesn’t have to be.

Through an engaging and informative discussion, our panel define the role volatility has played since the global finance crisis, the role it is likely to play now, and strategies investors can employ to harness volatility to their advantage.

From understanding risk management techniques, to identifying opportunities in times of market disruption, they provide insights that investors can use to improve their returns and minimize risk.

So, whether you’re an experienced investor or just starting out, tune in to the Shard Capital Podcast and discover how you can make volatility work for you. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the experts and take your investment strategy to the next level.

New York Vibe